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Taa History

  • SOCIETY : 0312 426 26 44 / 0312 426 26 48
  • COURSES DEPARTMENT: 0312 426 26 44 - 114 / 122
  • Arizona University and TAA Assist: +90542 292 41 42



The Turkish-American Association (TAA) is a long-established and prestigious non-governmental organization established in 1951 as a result of a bilateral agreement between Turkey and the United States. The Turkish-American Association, the founding members of which can be named as Minister of National Education Tevfik İleri, Deputy Cemal Köprülü, Deputy Halide Edip Adıvar, Istanbul University Rector Ömer Celal Sarc, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey George Wadsworth, Robert College Principal Floyd Black, continues to carry out its activities in its own building located at Cinnah Caddesi 20, Kavaklıdere-Ankara.

The Turkish-American Association has been offering for more than half-a-century cultural programs and high-quality English language courses for thousands of Turkish citizens most of whom had registered to language courses during their formative years and then became leaders in the business and cultural arena; and supported other establishments offering educational programs.

The Turkish-American Association, which registered its name in 2006, has taken important steps to spread across Turkey the vast experience that it has in the educational arena and opened private TAA language schools througout Turkey. At the moment, in addition to its headquarters located on Cinnah Street, TAA also has 17 private language schools and 8 TAA Preschools throughout Turkey.

Along with English, Turkish and Spanish courses given at the TAA Headquarters by its experienced and professional teaching staff, a wide range of social, cultural and artistic activities continue to be held. Various and diverse activities such as lectures, panel discussions, conferences, dinner parties, special nights, exhibitions, Turkish and English drama performances, dance performances, Broadway musicals staged by Turks and members of the international community and tours are attended not only by the local residents of Ankara but also by members of the international community in Ankara. These activities also make a huge difference for TAA students, because, in addition to receving high-quality language instruction, TAA students can also easily attend diverse cultural programs, mingle with native speakers of English/Turkish and people from different nationalities; and hence improve the language they are learning in an authentic environment.

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