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Language Education In The Us

  • SOCIETY : 0312 426 26 44 / 0312 426 26 48
  • COURSES DEPARTMENT: 0312 426 26 44 - 114 / 122
  • Arizona University and TAA Assist: +90542 292 41 42

In rapidly developing World in order to have a better carrer, learning second language is no longer a luxury or hobby but necessity. The best way to learn a new language is to learn it in its hometown.

It is not enough to learn only the grammar of that language while learning a new one. Each passing day, more and more students go to foreign countries in to order learn the culture of that langauge. Thanks to this, students have a chance to study with porfesssionals, learn and develop the language in its hometown, make new and internation friends and experience unforgetable memories.

Students who want to involve in language programs should determine the program type that fits to their needs.

Language programs above may be helpful for you to lead.

  • General English Training
  • Academic Aimed Courses
  • University Preparation Courses
  • Special Need Based Courses
  • Holiday Courses
  • Summer Camps
  • Preparation for Exams Courses
  • Sertificate or/and Diploma Programs
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